The state secretary in charge of programs assisting persecuted Christians stressed that Hungary will continue to stand by ...
And now, Enter Taleb A., a Saudi-born man who has lived in Germany since the early Merkel era. In Magdeburg, he not only ...
The number of knife-related crimes in Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia state has surged by nearly 50 percent. Young men are ...
Most migrants arrive from Greece and Bulgaria, with many using Bosnia-Herzegovina as a transit country before continuing their journey toward the European Union. During the registration process, many ...
Hungary's prime minister wished the Hungarian people a Merry Christmas, quoting from a poem by Transylvanian-Hungarian poet ...
Mr. Traski noted that during the Ukrainian holidays, Russian forces tend to escalate their military activities. His story ...
The leftist-liberal leadership in Brussels has become completely detached from reality and the will of European citizens, ...
In a year-end interview, the prime minister addressed questions about Europe, Trump, and the controversial clemency case.
A nemzetgazdasági miniszter 35 ezerre csökkenti a vendégmunkás-kvóta maximumát.
Jobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.
Több mint 42 milliárd forint összértékben, mintegy 180 ezer hektáron javult a természeti környezetünk állapota. Idén a ...
Sajtóhírek szerint Németországba igazolhat Nikitscher Tamás, aki az ősszel robbant be a Marco Rossi vezette magyar ...