Pop Culture Con is happening this weekend in Spring and it has something for all ages! If you've ever wanted to snap a pic with your favorite celebrities or get an autograph, we have the details on ...
Writer Jonathan Hickman and artists Iban Coello and Federico Vicentini will reshape the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe this summer ...
Pop Culture Con has made it's way to Houston! Lou Ferrigno from Incredible Hulk and voice actor Vic Mignogna sat down with ...
Florida resident and professional wrestling legend Hulk Hogan's new Real American Beer will soon be racing around the track ...
The Winter Soldier. Black Widow. Carnage. The Hulk. Namor. Clea. Wolverine. A new era of #MarvelComics ' most lethal super ...
Marvel fans have expressed both excitement and concerns, but many have yet to watch the film before sharing their opinions. ...
If "Thunderbolts*" without Hawkeye is like "Avengers" without Captain America, then a "Thunderbolts*" movie without Baron ...
With the arrival of Red Hulk - a.k.a. Thunderbolt Ross (Harrison Ford) - to the MCU earlier this year with Captain America: ...
Actually, don’t – though romantic partners Bones and Razeldazl write all of the project’s dancey post-punk themselves, they ...
SPOILER ALERT    Marvel is hit or miss with their movies nowadays, so it makes sense that audiences were not exactly eager to ...
But there is one iconic Phase 1 casting choice that we wish we could have seen played out further in the franchise: Edward ...
Every week in NASCAR, certain cars are wearing different colors than the previous week. And it's different again next week. And yes, it's a problem.