Belgian photographer Régine Mahaux told The Times she believes the First Lady shares traits with royalty, in particular the ...
The official portrait of first lady Melania Trump was unveiled by the White House on Monday. The image, released in black and ...
Vogue Magazine criticized Melania's Trump official White House portrait, saying she looked "more like a freelance magician than a public servant." ...
The returning first couple have released their new official portraits: a perfectly synced duet of lady-boss power and glowering demand for surrender.
The feature article of the Hello! magazine is titled "Melania Trump 2.0 – Exclusive photos and insight as she returns as First Lady." ...
Vogue has critiqued Melania Trump's outfit in her official White House portrait, with writer Hannah Jackson commenting that Melania looks like a freel ...
Melania Trump recently unveiled her portrait as First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) and Belgian photographer Régine Mahaux has given a glowing account of his subject ...
Vogue mocked Melania Trump’s official White House portrait, saying her choice of outfit looked more like that of a “freelance ...
While Melania Trump remains an enigmatic figure, her White House portrait provides some insight into how she'll approach the first lady role.
Copy cat: Melania Trump's official White House portrait looks just like the sort of photo her husband would take. The First Lady has been attracted to flashy things since her childhood.
That's exactly what first lady Melania Trump is doing in her new official White House portrait that was released Monday afternoon. The first lady is seen in a striking power pose, leaning slightly ...