A Maryland woman who was accused of crashing into and killing six construction workers on I-695 will have her trial postponed until November, according to court officials.
The woman facing manslaughter charges in a Baltimore Beltway crash that killed six road workers nearly two years ago may not ...
Motorists will have to adjust to two major highway projects in Baltimore County starting on Monday. The Maryland State ...
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration announced Thursday that the Interstate 695 interchange ramps will temporarily close overn ...
Acadiana drivers should expect heavy delays on Interstate 10 West before Rayne because of an overturned 18-wheeler and a separate six-vehicle crash, according to officials. The Louisiana ...
Around 8:30 a.m. a patrolman radioed for backup after the driver he pulled over along the interstate jumped out of the car, running on foot into a nearby wooded area. Upon further investigation ...
LONOKE, Ark. (KATV) — Arkansas State Police arrested a man wanted out of Maryland following a high speed chase on I-40, the agency announced in a release on Tuesday. Police said that on Saturday ...
Armed & Aging: 70-Something Road Rage Drivers Wave Guns In Separate Maryland Incidents Two Maryland men in their ... received a complaint about a red Mustang driver waving a gun on I-695 near Liberty ...