The only ambulance service in Berlin is shutting down, ending a decades-long partnership for emergency medical services in ...
As volunteer shortages and financial struggles force ambulance services to shut down in Wyoming County, officials scramble ...
Officials in Wapello County are exploring options to make EMS an essential service, requiring a voter-approved levy, as ...
Ambulance providers say a state contractor is refusing to pay them up to $6 million. Without it, statewide services may begin ...
After a contentious meeting Pender County leaders moved forward with an initiative to take over a private emergency services ...
Imagine you or someone you're with suffers a medical emergency, but there are no available ambulances when you call 911.
Chatham Emergency Services CEO Chuck Kearns says they have been providing services for the parade for decades and preparing ...
The Skellytown Volunteer Fire Department hosted a town hall as citizens will soon vote for emergency response organizations.
Berlin Mayor Robert Cone (right) speaks to council meeting attendees and councilors at the March 3 meeting. Councilors Robert Theberge (background) and Mia Qualls (foreground) listen. (LISA D. CONNELL ...
The only ambulance service in Berlin is shutting down, ending a decades-long partnership for emergency medical services in ...