Several people are reported to have died in a shooting at an adult education college in Örebro, according to sources speaking ...
A massive police operation is ongoing at an adult education college and school campus in Örebro. At least five people have ...
Salwan Najem has been found guilty by Stockholm district court of agitation against a national or ethnic group, in connection ...
Swedish prosecutors and police are in northeastern Thailand for the first time to investigate claims by people who say they ...
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on February 3rd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage or in the app ...
Real estate agents are warning that violent crimes and bombings can have serious consequences for Stockholm's housing market. According to a survey by the Association of Swedish Real Estate Agents ...
As police confirmed just before midnight on Tuesday that the death toll from the shooting at an adult education campus in ...
Barn ska avlyssnas och myndigheter ska kunna riva sekretesshinder. Detta för att lättare dela information om unga som är i ...
Två skridskoåkare gick genom isen vid Våtsjön i Karlskoga under förmiddagen.När räddningstjänsten kom fram hade den ena tagit ...
Appen Sportadmin råkade nyligen ut för ett omfattande dataintrång. Nu hotar kriminella att läcka data från appen, rapporterar ...
Stora delar av Sollefteå sjukhus föreslås läggas ner. Det meddelade region Västernorrland under en pressträff på ...
Internutredningen som handbollsklubben Skövde HF arbetat med är klar. I den riktas skarp kritik mot A-lagets huvudtränare ...