The shift to dairy-beef and the collapse of the Chinese heifer trade have driven big changes in semen sales in Australia in ...
A high rainfall grazing farm in a choice Western District location has been listed as sold.
Kevin Shortt, Bonang, likes to entertain kids and passersby in his remote Victorian community and recently wrote Stock & Land ...
A feature weaner sale held by the associated agents at Bairnsdale on Friday saw prices rival those hit at last week's ...
Australian canola prices have copped a battering in recent weeks as global unrest about the impact of hefty tariffs on Canada ...
Metalworkers who build and fix sheds, cattleyards and feed mixers say the United States' decision to place tariffs on raw ...
Chaos has been found in every nook and cranny around the globe this week and it was super-charged thanks to that controversy ...
Prices have again pushed past the 400 cents a kilogram barrier at Leongatha, with agents saying buyers were chasing "weight".
The National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia has signed on to support the Make the Label Count campaign to make ...
A dairy farm in the Upper Murray district has been offered for sale for the first time ever.
Riddellvue Angus secured a sizzling clearance at its autumn bull sale on Thursday as the stud's top bulls headed to mostly ...
Buyers were selective at Bowman Angus stud's annual on-property auction at Neerim South.