The flu is walloping every corner of Massachusetts in an unusual second surge of the season, with people reporting flu-like ...
RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, usually peaks in December and January while infecting the nose, throat and lungs, usually ...
Flu season is here with some other ickiness joining the petri dish party, including allergies, strep, pneumonia, COVID-19 and ...
According to data from SHW, 196 students tested positive for Flu A at SHW between Jan. 1 and Feb. 2 this year, an increase of ...
Feeling under the weather? In Texas, cedar can bring sneezing, congestion and itchy eyes, but so can the flu, COVID-19 and ...
Norovirus and the stomach flu aren't the same thing. Here's what doctors wish patients knew, from the American Medical ...
Op-Ed: The best way to protect yourself and others is regular hand washing with soap and water, as hand sanitizer does not ...
Data on flu test positivity and Tamiflu prescription fills show that influenza activity has already surpassed the past 7 ...
Practicing good hand hygiene is essential to staying healthy, because the virus is highly contagious and can live on common ...
Norovirus - dubbed the 'winter vomiting bug' - causes a host of unpleasant symptoms, including vomiting and diarrhoea as well ...
Still, it is wise to treat anyone with severe gastrointestinal symptoms as if they could have norovirus, prompting those ...
RSV and whooping cough are all on the decline in Minnesota. The bad news? Norovirus case counts have climbed this month, and ...