One of the three viral baby bald eagles in California has died following a severe winter storm. Friends of Big Bear Valley ...
The hatchling of bald eagles Jackie and Shadow died during a recent storm, the operators of the livestream tracking the birds ...
The eaglets’ parents are unknowingly participating in an avian version of “The Truman Show,” the Jim Carrey movie about a man ...
One of the three eaglets that recently hatched in the nest of Big Bear bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow has died, ...
Fans are expressing concern over a possible missing bald eagle belonging to parents Jackie and Shadow following a snowstorm.
Bald eagles Jackie and Shadow, whose nest can be viewed on a 24/7 webcam, may have lost one of their three eaglets during a ...
Famous bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow may have lost one of their three eaglets in a snowstorm.
Jackie and Shadow, the Big Bear bald eagle couple whose parenting journey has been livestreamed to the world, appear to be ...
Concern turns to grief after fans learned that a chick of Big Bear bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow had died in a winter ...
One of three eaglets recently born to the famed bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, has died, according to a conservation ...
In the wake of the death of one of three famous eaglets, "truth delivered delicately and with compassion works well" when ...